Information Stewardship Policy


The Information Stewardship Policy (ISP) outlines the actions all members of the Tufts community are expected to follow when working with institutional data and systems. The ISP is supported by three additional policies that assist in providing a framework for required behaviors and rules and responsibilities. They are the Use of Institutional Systems Policy, the Information Classification and Handling Policy, and the Information Roles and Responsibilities Policy.
Below are summaries that capture the essential elements of these four policies, along with links the to the PDF and HTML full versions of the policies. Collectively, the four policies not only outline the actions all members of the Tufts community are expected to follow when working with institutional data and systems but they also provide a framework and syntax for managers to develop additional information policies about specific systems and processes or for specific academic or administrative units at Tufts. Managers can consult guidelines and tools for developing policies.

Download the full policy (PDF version).

This policy sets forth the core principles for information stewardship at Tufts University.


Download the full policy (PDF version).

This policy sets the manner in which Tufts’ institutional systems are to be used in general, and particularly when creating, using, disseminating, and disposing of institutional data.


Download the full policy (PDF version).

This policy establishes the requirement of maintaining the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of institutional data. It also provides a framework for classifying institutional data into three levels.

Download the full policy (PDF version).

This policy establishes the roles and responsibilities for the appropriate management, use, and stewardship of institutional data.


Download the full policy (pdf).

This Policy provides for the Chief Information Officer to adopt and approve Standards, Baselines, Procedures, Protocols, Guidelines, and other Supporting Documents to comply with legal requirements, agreements, frameworks, standards, ethical principles, and to govern information, data, and technology that is owned, held, operated, or maintained by Tufts.