Posting Web Updates with Dreamweaver (Windows)

Posting Web Updates with Dreamweaver (Windows)

If you use Dreamweaver to update the website for your department, center, or student organization, you will need to upgrade to Dreamweaver 8 or above. Versions of Dreamweaver prior to version 8 do not support the WebDAV publishing feature over SSL, and are, therefore, unsupported.  If your computer does not have Dreamweaver, then we recommend you go to the Eaton or Mugar computer labs to use a lab computer which should have Dreamweaver already installed. Tufts does not provide free software to students for Dreamweaver.

Below are step-by-step instructions of how to connect and post files to the TTS server via Dreamweaver and its built-in WebDAV feature.

  1. Launch Dreamweaver 8.
  2. Go to the Site menu and select Manage Sites.
  3. Click on New, then click on Site.
  4. Give the site a name and put in its address; For example, if you were updating the student organization Karate Club, you would name the site "Karate Club."
  5. Click Next.
  6. Accept the default "No, I do not want to use a server technology" unless you already have scripting enabled.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Accept the default "Edit local copies on my machine, then upload to server when ready." Below that, click the yellow folder to browse to the folder where you want to store your local copies. 
  9. Click Next.
  10. Select WebDAV from the drop down arrow.
  11. Enter the publishing URL that was given to you in your instructions by the TTS Web Development team. If you are not sure of what this address is, please email TTS at For the example of "Karate Club" the WebDAV address would be:
  12. Enter your WebDAV login, which is your Tufts Username (Tufts UTLN). Enter your Tufts Password (same as domain login and email). It is recommended to check off "Refresh remote file list automatically."
  13. Click Test the connection.
  14. After the connection has been tested, click next. Specify if you want to use check-in/out (keep the default "NO" unless more than one person will be making edits to the site at the same time).
  15. Click Next.
  16. Click Done.  Click Done again to exit small window.
  17. Once you make the edits to your local files, click the blue arrow button to send your files up to the server. The blue arrow button is located under the Files tab in right panel.