Account Settings
Account SettingsThe Account Settings section of Box allows you to further personalize some aspects of your account configuration. We will only cover some of the more useful settings in each section here.
To access your Account Settings, click on your profile icon at the top right of the page and then select Account Settings.
- General Options – Determine what is displayed on your Box home page when you log in. You can manage:
- What is displayed - All Files, Favorites, or Recents.
- How many items are displayed per page.
- Default time zone and language.
- Whether or not to display tags.
- Shared Links – Determine who can access content through shared links and what they can do.
- Shared Links can be viewed by – This determines what sharing options are available when you generate new shared links. Select People with the link, people in your company, and people in this folder. Selecting something else will restrict your ability to collaborate effectively.
- Allow Shared Links for – Select Folders and files.
- Default permission – Select People in this folder or file so that new shared links are only accessible to invited collaborators by default. This can be overridden for individual files and folders when enabling shared links.
- Link viewers can - Determines what non-collaborators accessing your content via a shared link can do with the content. Select Preview, download, and edit. Otherwise, Box will not allow you to give people download privileges through shared links.
- Email Notifications – Select when you receive email notifications regarding activity on items that you own or collaborate on.
- General Emails and Notifications - Choose to get notified via email about logins to your account on new devices.
- Login Activity – See what devices have been used to log in to your account and when. Use the “Forget App” feature to log out of sessions remotely.
- User Profile – Manage your profile information and picture.
- Opening Integrations – Determine the default for how Microsoft Office files open from preview mode: Box Edit (desktop app) or Office 365 (online).