Managing List Members

Managing List Members

There are three different roles for list members.

  • Subscribers - Receive messages from a list. Depending how the list is set up, they may be able to send messages to it as well.
  • Moderators - Approve/reject messages before they are sent out. Not all lists are moderated. For some lists, the moderators are the same as the owners.
  • Owners - Control list settings and can manage members. By default, the person who created a list is the owner, unless someone else is specified.

This section describes how to manage each of these user roles. If you do not see the options described below, it is likely because you don't have the necessary permissions. If you need them, contact the list owner and ask them for assistance.

Accessing the Subscribers Page

  1. Go to and log in with your Tufts username (e.g. jjumbo01) and password.
  2. Click the My lists button.My Lists button


  3. Select a list to manage. The list’s home page will load.Selecting an e-list


  4. Click Subscribers in the left-hand menu.Selecting Subscribers from the left-hand menu


Adding Subscribers Individually

  1. Follow the directions above for Accessing the Subscribers Page.
  2. In the Add Subscribers section, type the email address of the user you would like to add.Adding a new subscriber's info
  3. (Optional) Check the box next to the Quiet option to prevent Elist from sending a welcome message to the user once they are added.
  4. Click the Add button.
  5. A message will appear asking if you want to add the user. Click Confirm.Confirming new subscriber


Adding Multiple Subscribers at Once

  1. Follow the directions above for Accessing the Subscribers Page.
  2. Scroll down to the Add Subscribers section.
  3. Click the Multiple add button. A page will load where new subscribers can be listed.Multiple Add button
  4. In the text box, list the subscribers that you would like to add. Only one subscriber can be listed per line. Subscribers must be listed in the format "email1@domain Name1".Adding multiple subscribers
  5. (Optional) Check the box next to the quiet option to add these subscribers without sending a welcome email.
  6. When you are ready, click the Add subscribers button.


Editing Subscriber Settings

  1. Follow the directions above for Accessing the Subscribers Page.
  2. Scroll down to the Subscriber Table section.
  3. Click on a subscriber’s email address.Subscriber Table
  4. A page will load where you can edit their information, including:
    • Email address - This is the address messages are sent to. Also, when the subscriber sends messages to the list, this is the address that they must send from.
    • Name - This is how the subscriber’s name will appear in member lists.
    • Receiving - How the subscriber receives messages from the list.
    • Visibility - Determines whether or not the subscriber’s name appears in the members list. Note that the list owner determines whether or not such a members list is viewable to other members or not.Editing subscriber info
  5. Click Apply modifications when you are done.


Removing Subscribers

  1. Follow the directions above for Accessing the Subscribers Page.
  2. Scroll down to the Subscriber Table section.
  3. Check the box next to the user’s name.Deleting a subscriber
  4. (Optional) Check the box next to the Quiet (don’t send deletion email) option. Doing so will allow you to remove the user(s) from the list without sending them an email.
  5. Click the Delete selected email addresses button.
  6. A message will appear asking if you really want to delete the selected user(s). Click Confirm.Confirming deleted subscriber
WARNING! Assigning users the role of list moderator will NOT automatically make the list moderated! To make a list moderated, go to the Managing a List page and follow the directions in the Who Can Send Messages section.

Accessing the Moderators Page

  1. Go to and log in with your Tufts username (e.g. jjumbo01) and password.
  2. Click the My lists button.My Lists button


  3. Select a list to manage. The list’s home page will load.Selecting an e-list


  4. Click the Edit icon in the Moderators sections of the left-hand menu.Edit Moderators button



Adding Moderators

  1. Follow the directions above for Accessing the Moderators Page.
  2. Scroll down to the Add Moderators section.
  3. Provide the following information for the user that you would like to add as a list moderator:
    • Email address - This is the address notifications are sent to about posts that need to be moderated.
    • Name - This is how the moderator's name will appear on the list's home page menu.
    • Private information - Any other information you would like to include for the user (e.g., phone number). This information will only be visible to list owners.Adding new moderator info
  4. (Optional) Check the no notifications box to prevent this moderator from receiving notifications about posts.
  5. (Optional) Check the concealed from list menu box to hide this moderator's name in the left-hand menu of the list's home page.
  6. Click the Apply modifications button. The user will be added as a moderator to the list. They will receive an email notification about their new role.


Editing Moderator Settings

  1. Follow the directions above for Accessing the Moderators Page.
  2. Click on the email address of the moderator you wish to edit.Selecting a moderator to edit
  3. A window will open where you can edit the following information for the moderator that you selected.
    • Name - This is how the moderator's name will appear on the list's home page menu.
    • Reception mode - Determines whether or not the moderator will receive notifications about posts that need to be moderated.
    • Visibility - Determines whether or not the moderator's name will be displayed in the list's home page menu.
    • Private information - Any other information you would like to include for the user (e.g., phone number). This information will only be visible to list owners.Editing moderator info
  4. To save any changes, click the Apply modifications button.


Removing Moderators

  1. Follow the directions above for Accessing the Moderators Page.
  2. In the Moderators list, find the moderator you would like to delete and check the box in the Delete column on the right-hand side of the table. The moderator’s information will become slightly transparent.Deleting a moderator
  3. Click the Apply modifications button at the bottom of the page.

An owner has full administrative rights to an e-list. Owners can manage list subscribers, edit list configurations, and more.

When making someone an owner on a list, you can also give them privileged owner status. A privileged owner has the same abilities as a basic list owner, but can also manage other list owners and moderators.

If you want to transfer ownership of an Elist to someone else, that requires making them a privileged owner. For more specific information, see the page on Transferring List Ownership

Accessing the Owners Page

  1. Go to and log in with your Tufts username (e.g. jjumbo01) and password.
  2. Click the My lists button.My Lists button


  3. Select a list to manage. The list’s home page will load.Selecting an e-list


  4. Click the Edit icon in the Owners sections of the left-hand menu.Edit Owners button



Adding an Owner

  1. Follow the directions above for Accessing the Owners Page.
  2. Scroll down to the Add owners section.
  3. Provide the following information for the user that you would like to add as a list owner:
    • Email address - This is the address notifications are sent to.
    • Name - This is how the owner's name will appear on the list's home page menu.
    • Private information - Any other information you would like to include for the user (e.g., phone number). This information will only be visible to list owners.Adding new owner info
  4. (Optional) Check the privileged owner box to make this user a privileged owner for the list. Remember that privileged owners can manage the list's moderators and other owners!
  5. (Optional) Check the no notifications box to prevent this owner from receiving notifications about posts.
  6. (Optional) Check the concealed from list menu box to hide this owner's name in the left-hand menu of the list's home page.
  7. When you are done, click the Apply modifications button. The user that you have given owner privileges to will recieve an email notification.


Editing Owner Settings

  1. Follow the directions above for Accessing the Owners Page.
  2. Click on the email address of the owner you wish to edit.Selecting an owner to edit


  3. A window will open where you can edit the following information for the selected owner:
    • Name - This is how the owner's name will appear on the list's home page menu.
    • Reception mode - Determines whether or not the owner will receive notifications from this list.
    • Visibility - Determines whether or not the owner's name will be displayed in the list's home page menu.
    • Private information - Any other information you would like to include for the user (e.g., phone number). This information will only be visible to list owners.Editing owner info
  4. To save any changes, click the Apply modifications button.


Removing an Owner

  1. Follow the directions above for Accessing the Owners Page.
  2. In the Owners list, find the owner you would like to delete and check the box in the Delete column on the right-hand side of the table. The owner's information will become slightly transparent.Deleting an owner
  3. Click the Apply modifications button at the bottom of the page.