Department Dashboard (RAs & Central Administration Only)
Department Dashboard (RAs & Central Administration Only)Research administrators (RAs) and central administrators can view and manage information related to a department. This includes the projects, awards, and other research administrators associated to that department.
To get to the department dashboard:
- Click Manage from the top navigator, then click Department Dashboard from the top sub-navigator.
- If you have access to multiple departments, you can use the dropdown menu to select the desired department, then click Choose.
When looking at a department’s dashboard, there are 4 tabs.
(1) The Certification Summary Chart displays statistics for the most recent period of performance.
(2) Covered Individuals are assigned to a department based on the employee’s home department assignment when their payroll statement was created.
(3) This table lists all payroll statements associated with the department. This list includes all historical and current statements. Click any statement icon in the Statements column to navigate to that payroll statement. Hover over an icon in the Statements column to view details about the statement first and then to navigate to that payroll statement. This list includes the following sections:
- Sponsored: Individuals that are or have been assigned to the department and have sponsored payroll or cost share for at least one pay period during the Period of Performance. This section always appears.
- Non-Sponsored: Individuals that are assigned to the department and have not had any sponsored payroll or cost sharing but instead have 100% non-sponsored pay for a Period of Performance. This section always appears.
- Non-Department: Individuals who are not assigned to the department but have sponsored payroll or cost share on one or more of this department’s sponsored projects during one of the Periods of Performance.
- Terminated: Individuals who would be included in the Sponsored Section but are no longer employed by the institution.
This section lists all project statements associated with the department. This list includes all historical and current statements.
Click any statement icon in the Statements column to navigate to that project statement. Hover over an icon in the Statements column to view the Period of Performance for that project statement.
Additionally, a Grant Manager Override can be assigned in this section. Please note that this can only be assigned by the Primary RA. (For more information on Grant Manager Overrides, see the Managing Department Relationships page).
- In this table, all PIs are listed with their assigned Grant Managers for each project they are related to. Under the Grant Managers column, the Primary RA will see a green plus next to each Grant Manager’s name. To assign a Grant Manager Override, select the green plus sign icon next to the current Grant Manager’s name.
- This brings up a search field, where the user can search for an individual to assign as a Grant Manager Override for that project.
- Note: The Grant Manager Override user must be in a Role prior to assignment. Contact Central Administration at to check the role for the employee.
The Award and Account tab contains all of the awards and accounts that are assigned to the department.
- An active status indicates the project's end date is after the current date.
- An inactive status indicates the project's end date is before the current date.
The list displays:
- The number and name for each award
- The principal investigator (PI) of the award
- The start and end dates.
- The last column allows the user to run the Sponsored Project Employee Summary (SPES) report.
Clicking an award name in the Name column will bring you to a further Account Summary Page:
This summary page has three tabs.
Project Statements Tab
You begin here; this tab lists all project statements and their current status.
Covered Individuals Tab
This tab lists all individuals that have payroll or cost share on the award and their department. This list also includes the principal investigator (PI) of the award.
Manage Award/Account Designee Tab
This tab lists all projects related to an award. This is also where any designee relationships are displayed.
The Department Information tab contains information about the department’s research administrators (RAs). The Primary RA is highlighted in yellow; secondary RAs are listed without highlighting. There can be only one Primary RA in a department at a time.
In this example, Art Rooney is the current Primary Research administrator.
To assign a new primary RA, click the Make effort coordinator primary icon in the Action column for the desired employee.
Note: Only the Primary Research administrator can reassign the Primary Research administrator. The Primary can also add and delete any other Research administrator(s) and create restricted assignments. For more information, see the Managing Department Relationships page.