Profile Privacy and Visibility
Profile Privacy and VisibilityOverview
Faculty members can determine whether or not their profile is available for others to view on the Elements and Discovery sites. They can also hide individual items within their profile.
- Log in to the Tufts Elements site with your Tufts credentials.
- Click EDIT MY PROFILE. This will open your profile in Edit Mode.
- In the “Profile privacy” section, two overall profile privacy levels are available – Internal and Public. By default, Tufts Elements profiles are set to Public. To change your overall privacy level, select the appropriate option.
- Internal – Elements profile will still be viewable to other Tufts Elements users (i.e. faculty members), but Discovery public profile will NOT be published.
- Public – Elements profile will be viewable to other Tufts faculty members and Discovery public profile will be published.

Certain profile fields are locked from editing. These include fields populated automatically from Tufts HR (Human Resources) feeds, such as email, phone number, Tufts appointments, etc.
Although the details cannot be edited, you can change the visibility of these items. To do so, click into the Visibility dropdown menu for the field and make a selection. Depending on the field, options may include:
- Match profile level – Field's privacy level will match the user’s overall profile privacy level (Internal or Public).
- Always internal – Field’s privacy level will always be “internal,” meaning that the field will be visible only to other Tufts Elements users (i.e. faculty members) but will NOT be visible in their Discovery public profile.
- Always private - Field’s privacy level will always be “private,” meaning that the field will NOT be visible to other Tufts Elements users (i.e. faculty members) and will NOT be visible in their Discovery public profile.
When you’re done, click Save at the bottom of the section you are editing.

The About section of an Elements profile contains several fields that can be edited by end users, including an Overview, Research interests, and more. To manage the visibility of fields within this section, click into the Visibility dropdown menu for the field and make a selection. Depending on the field, options may include:
- Match profile level – Field's privacy level will match the user’s overall profile privacy level (Internal or Public).
- Always internal – Field’s privacy level will always be “internal,” meaning that the field will be visible only to other Tufts Elements users (i.e. faculty members) but will NOT be visible in their Discovery public profile.
- Always private - Field’s privacy level will always be “private,” meaning that the field will NOT be visible to other Tufts Elements users (i.e. faculty members) and will NOT be visible in their Discovery public profile.
When you’re done, click Save at the bottom of the section you are editing.

There are two levels of Privacy Settings for publications, professional/teaching activities, and grants – Object Privacy and Relationship Privacy.
- Object Privacy – This setting is grayed out and not being used at this time. It can be ignored.
- Relationship Privacy - This is a user-controlled setting that determines whether or not others can see an object that is associated with your profile. Options include:
- Private – Item hidden from view in both Elements and Discovery.
- Internal – Item visible in Elements, but hidden from view in Discovery.
- Public - Item visible in both Elements and Discovery.

Managing the Visibility (Relationship Privacy) of a Publication, Activity, or Grant
- Find the item.
- Click on the Privacy Settings icon (eg.
- A menu will appear. To manage the visibility of the item, choose the appropriate “Relationship privacy” setting:
- Private – Item hidden from view in both Elements and Discovery.
- Internal – Item visible in Elements, but hidden from view in Discovery.
- Public - Item visible in both Elements and Discovery.