


Zoom Whiteboards are visual collaboration spaces that can be used within or outside of Zoom virtual meetings. They can be accessed in several ways, including directly within a meeting window, the Zoom desktop application, and the Tufts Zoom website.


  • Zoom whiteboards can be launched, edited, and shared…
    • In-meeting – From the bottom toolbar
      • By default, only hosts and co-hosts can launch whiteboards during a meeting. However, whiteboard sharing privileges can be given to all participants.
      • Any new whiteboards will automatically be owned by the host of the meeting, regardless of who initiated them.
    • Out-of-meeting – From the Tufts Zoom website or the Zoom desktop application.
  • When sharing in-meeting whiteboards via the steps recommended in the section below, you will have the ability to decide…
    • If you want to open the whiteboard in Collaborating or Viewing mode.
      • Collaborating – Everyone can edit the whiteboard.
      • Viewing – Meeting attendees will only be able to view whiteboard content.
    • If you want other authenticated (signed in) Tufts users to have persistent access to the board after the meeting ends.
  • When a new whiteboard is created in or out of a meeting, the following sharing settings are applied to it by default, but they can be adjusted by the owner of the board:
    • Only the owner of the whiteboard can invite other people to it.
      • When inviting people, you can pick the permission level (e.g. editor, viewer, etc.)
    • External (non-Tufts) users can be invited to whiteboards.
    • A shareable link will be available for the board.
      • By default, this link will only be accessible by individuals who were specifically invited to the board.


Accessing Whiteboards from the Zoom Desktop App

  1. Open the Zoom desktop application. If necessary, sign in with the SSO (single sign-on) option and your Tufts credentials.
  2. Click the Whiteboards icon in the top menu.whiteboards icon
  3. On the Whiteboards page, you’ll have the ability to:
    • Navigate between different collections of boards
    • Search the whiteboards you have access to
    • Open existing whiteboards to work in them
    • Create new whiteboards
    • Manage whiteboards (share, lock, etc.)
    • More!whiteboards page in Zoom desktop app

Opening a Whiteboard

  1. Click on a whiteboard to open it.
  2. The whiteboard will appear similar to what is pictured below. Depending on your role in the board, you will have the ability to:
    • Edit the board
    • Rename the board
    • Share the board
    • Post and read comments
    • Lock or delete the board
    • More!opened whiteboard

Sharing a Whiteboard

  1. While you are either inside or outside of the whiteboard, find the Share button and click on it.
  2. A window will open where you can:
    • Invite specific people to the whiteboard and select their permission level (e.g. editor, viewer, etc.).
    • Manage the permissions of people who already have access.
    • Allow anyone with access to the whiteboard to invite others at or below their permission level (off by default).
    • Allow external users to participate in the whiteboard (on by default).
    • Copy a link to the whiteboard and adjust link permissions. (By default, this link is only accessible to people who are specifically invited to the board, but access can be adjusted.)sharing window

Accessing Whiteboards from the Tufts Zoom Website

  1. Visit the Tufts Zoom website and log in with your Tufts credentials.
  2. Select Whiteboards in the left-hand navigation menu.
  3. The Whiteboards page will load. On the Whiteboards page, you’ll have the ability to:
    • Navigate between different collections of boards
    • Search the whiteboards you have access to
    • Open existing whiteboards to work in them
    • Create new whiteboards
    • Manage whiteboards (share, lock, etc.)
    • More!whiteboards page on tufts zoom website

Opening a Whiteboard

  1. Click on a whiteboard to open it.
  2. The whiteboard will appear similar to what is pictured below. Depending on your role in the board, you will have the ability to:
    • Edit the board
    • Rename the board
    • Share the board
    • Post and read comments
    • Lock or delete the board
    • More!opened whiteboard

Sharing a Whiteboard

  1. While you are either inside or outside of the whiteboard, find the Share button and click on it.Share button
  2. A window will open where you can:
    • Invite specific people to the whiteboard and select their permission level (e.g. editor, viewer, etc.).
    • Manage the permissions of people who already have access.
    • Allow anyone with access to the whiteboard to invite others at or below their permission level (off by default).
    • Allow external users to participate in the whiteboard (on by default).
    • Copy a link to the whiteboard and adjust link permissions. (By default, this link is only accessible to people who are specifically invited to the board, but access can be adjusted.)sharing window

By default, only meeting hosts and cohosts can share whiteboards. If you want to adjust these settings, see section below about adjusting whiteboard sharing privileges.

Sharing a Whiteboard (Privileges Required)

  1. Click on the Whiteboards icon in the bottom toolbar and select one of the available options. Before making a selection, carefully read the descriptions below. The “Existing Whiteboards” option is recommended.Whiteboards icon
    • Existing Whiteboards (Recommended) – Will open a window where you can choose to launch either a NEW or EXISTING whiteboard.whiteboard selection window
      After selecting what you want to launch, you can choose if you want to open the whiteboard in Collaborating or Presenting mode. You can also choose whether or not you want to give verified meeting participants persistent access to the whiteboard after it is closed.
      additional whiteboard sharing settings


    • New Whiteboard – Will launch a NEW whiteboard. All meeting participants will automatically have access to the board as Editors.

Adjusting Whiteboard Sharing Privileges

By default, only hosts and co-hosts will have the ability to launch whiteboards. However, this setting can be adjusted via the directions below. We recommend you do this from the Whiteboards menu as it allows for more fine control.

(Recommended) From the Whiteboards Menu

Click on the up arrow next to the Whiteboards icon in the meeting toolbar. A window will open where you can manage sharing settings, including:

  • Allow participants to share whiteboard – This is OFF by default, so only hosts and cohosts can share whiteboards during the meeting. If this is turned on, anyone in the meeting can share a whiteboard and the two additional options below become available.
    • Who can start sharing when someone else is sharing? – By default, this is restricted to Host only.
    • Who can initiate new whiteboard in the meeting? - By default, this setting is set to “All participants,” and any new whiteboards will automatically be owned by the meeting host. This setting does not apply to EXISTING whiteboards.advanced whiteboard sharing options

From the Security Menu

Click on the Security icon in the bottom toolbar. Under “Allow All Participants to,” the Share Whiteboards setting will be off by default. Clicking on the setting will turn it on.

whiteboard sharing option in Security menu


  1. Visit the Tufts Zoom website and log in with your Tufts credentials.
  2. Select Settings in the left-hand navigation menu.
  3. Select the Whiteboard tab toward the top of the page.
  4. Whiteboard settings for your Tufts Zoom account will display on the page.