Viewing Kuali Build Form Responses / Documents

Viewing Kuali Build Form Responses / Documents
If you have been assigned to approve, acknowledge, or perform a task on a submitted form, instead see Handling a Submitted Form Assigned to You.

Kuali Build stores all submitted form responses, called Documents, inside the associated app. To view submitted responses for a form, you must be an administrator for that app or have been granted Read Documents in This App permissions by an administrator for that app.

Important: Documents should not be kept and data should not be stored in Kuali Build. Kuali Build is designed only as an approval tool. If a form response has additional files uploaded and associated with it, or the form responses need to be saved, the document and files should be exported from Kuali Build and stored in Box or SharePoint Online.

  1. In your app, go to the Documents tab.
     Documents is the first top menu option
  2. You will see a list of documents for this app. Each row in the list corresponds to a single document, and the columns show a preview of the question responses for that document.
      Documents appear in a list formatted like a table
  3. In the list, the columns shown are a subset of the user’s responses and metadata for that document. To change what columns are shown in this preview table, click Columns in the top left.
  1. In your app, go to the Documents tab.
    Documents is the first top menu option
  2. Choose a row corresponding to the document you’d like to view. Click any part of the row to open the document.
  3. A new panel will open with a preview of the submitted document.
     The submitted form will preview.
  4. To see the history of this document’s workflow and its current status, use the toggle on the left to switch between View and Status.
      Status is on the left of the form preview
  5. When you are finished with the document preview, close the tab.

Downloading a document as a PDF is not enabled by default. To turn on the ability to download documents:

  1. In the top right of the form tab, click Form Settings.
    Form is the second tab in the horizontal top menu
  2. Settings will open in a panel at the right of the screen. At the bottom of the panel, check to enable Allow the exporting of documents in this app.
    When enabled, the checkbox fills in dark blue
  3. Your changes are saved automatically. Click the X in the top right of the panel to close the panel.

Now that exporting documents is enabled for the app, we can download a submitted form as a PDF from the Document List.

  1. In your app, go to the Documents tab.
    Documents is the first top menu option
  2. Choose a row corresponding to the document you’d like to view. Click anywhere in the row to open the document.
  3. A new panel will open with a document preview of the submitted document.
     The submitted form will preview.
  4. To the top right of the document, click the triple dots, then Export. Choose what information you’d like to include, then click Export again.
     You can export answers, workflow step, or all.
  5. A message will appear at the top of the screen with a link to your PDF.
    Click dismiss to not download the PDF

In the Document List, by default, each column’s header is the Gadget Label/Question. This isn’t always helpful – a gadget might have an extremely long name, multiple gadgets may have the same name, or the column name may not be helpful. For example, you might end up with a Document List looking like this:
Document list with long column name

When configuring gadgets, you can change their column title that appears in the Document List.

Tip: This will not change the gadget label in the form – this only changes the column title in the Document List.

  1. Navigate to the Form section of your app.
     Form is the second option in the top menu
  2. Click a gadget whose column name in the Document List you’d like to change.
    A Data Lookup Gadget named Data Lookup
  3. Near the bottom of the configuration panel on the right, toggle on Custom column name and enter the name you’d like to appear on the Document List.
    Column rename is toggled when it is dark blue