Configuring a Workflow (What Happens After the Form Is Submitted?)
Configuring a Workflow (What Happens After the Form Is Submitted?)After you have created a form in your app, you’re ready to set up a workflow. A workflow determines what happens after a form is submitted, such as emailing the department head for approval or notifying the registrar. You can add these steps to a workflow, in any order:
- Approval – Require a user to approve the submitted form
- Acknowledgement - Allows a user to acknowledge that they have viewed a submitted form
- Task – Require a user to perform an action, e.g. add information to PeopleSoft
- Notification – Notify a user via email of the submitted form
- Branch – Set up multiple workflows that route based off conditions from the form (e.g. send the approval to the biology department OR TSS)
- Integration - Select from a list of pre-configured integrations, such as connecting to an API.
The workflow screen has three sections.
- From the Kuali Build home screen, click the app to open it.
- Regardless of the screen you are brought to, click Workflow in the top right.
- The workflow screen has three sections.
- Select a step in the lefthand Add Steps panel.
- Drag the step to the workflow in the middle panel. As you drag the step over the workflow, a blue rectangle will highlight to show potential locations for the step. The first step must be the form submission, but otherwise steps can go to the left or right of any other step.
- Drop the step in the location you desire.
- Tip: If you would like to move the step to a different place in the form, click and hold the step to drag and drop it to a new location.
- Once you place the step in the form, the right panel will show configuration options to customize the step.
- Tip: If you don’t see options for your step, click the step so it is highlighted in gray.
- Configure the step. You can always change this later. To save your changes, click any blank space in the preview section to the left of the configuration panel. The information displayed in the step will update.
When editing a workflow step, you’ll work in the right configuration panel. If you make changes to a workflow in an app that’s already published, these changes will not be live immediately. You will need to re-publish your form for your changes to be live (see Publishing and Distributing Your Kuali Build Form).
- In the workflow in the middle panel, click a step you’ve added to your form. The step will outline in gray.
- The right panel will show configuration options to customize the step. These options will differ depending on the type of workflow step selected.
- Configure the step. To save your changes, click any blank space in the preview section to the left of the configuration panel. The information displayed in the step will update.
Important: There is no undo! Workflow steps that are deleted are unrecoverable.
- In the workflow in the middle panel, click a step you’ve added to your workflow. The gadget will highlight in gray.
- At the very bottom of the right panel, click Delete Step.
- In the workflow in the middle panel, click the step you’d like to move.
- Drag the step around the workflow. As you drag the step around the workflow, a blue rectangle will highlight to show potential locations for the step. The first step must be the form submission, but otherwise steps can go to the left or right of any other step.
- Drop the step in the location you desire.
A branch step splits your workflow into multiple routes with different workflow steps based on a condition, such as if the user chooses OVPR, biology, or TTS for their department. You will also configure a default route, which is the workflow that will run if no configured route conditions are met. You can create as many branches and routes in your workflow as you need. Each route inside a branch can have multiple workflow steps.
- For example, I may have a research request form where the form submitter chooses if their request pertains to biology, TTS, or OVPR. If the submitter chooses OVPR, Kuali Build will follow Route 1 and send the form to the OVPR department. If the submitter chooses TTS, Kuali Build will follow Route 2 and send the form to the TTS department. My default route will send the form to the biology department, which is the only remaining choice the user can select.
To build a branch in your workflow:
- Select the Branch step in the lefthand Add Steps panel.
- Drag the branch step to where you’d like the branch to occur in the workflow.
- Drop the branch in the location you desire.
- Tip: If you would like to move the branch step to a different place in the form, click and hold the step to drag and drop it to a new location.
- Once you place the step in the form, the right panel will show configuration options to customize the branch.
- Tip: If you don’t see options for your branch, click the branch step so it is highlighted in gray.
- Change the Step Label. This label will help you and other administrators of your form know what the branch is for.
- Under Route 1, click on the Route Here When dropdown menu.
- Select from the options available.
- Click the first drop down below Route Here When….
- You’ll see a list of questions in your form, as well as metadata Kuali Build has collected about the submission. Choose the question you’d like Kuali Build to branch on.
- Note: The questions may have strange strings next to them (e.g. data.415535). You can ignore these
- After you select a question, you’ll see a progressive series of dropdown menus.
- Continue choosing options under the condition is complete.
- You can also create additional conditions by clicking on the gray plus sign next to the last condition for the route.
- Continue to add additional routes and conditions by clicking on the +Add Route icon and repeating steps 8-15.
- Tip: Remember that “Default Route” counts as one of your routes!
- Tip: Remember that “Default Route” counts as one of your routes!
- When you have added all routes, you may need to click outside of the branch configuration window to refresh the workflow preview.
- In the workflow, add steps to each route in your branch step.
- As you add steps to the branches, your workflow will save automatically.
Some workflow steps require entering specific person(s). For example, the Approval workflow step requires configuration of who will approve the step.
When you select an option from the list, the search field or dropdown below the options will dynamically update with your options, including pulling from Tufts’ directories.
Note: For help creating questions with lists of Tufts users, see Connecting Kuali Build to Tufts Systems
Any specific person:
Choose an individual from the Tufts directory. Typing in the search field will filter the dropdown results.
Person(s) in a role of any specific group:
Choose specific roles from Tufts departments. Typing in the search field will filter the dropdown results.
Person(s)…….. on the form:
These require that you have questions in your form that pull users from Tufts systems. If you have configured any such form questions, the dropdown in this panel will populate with your relevant form questions.
For example, if my form has these two questions, which allow the form respondent to choose a list of Tufts individuals:
I will have these two questions as choices for “A list of people specified on the form” in my acknowledge step
In Kuali Build, you can test the entire workflow. This will not be a live test – emails will not be sent; data integrations and changes such as posting to an API will be mocked but not actually performed. When you test a workflow, you will impersonate various users to see the workflow as that individual.
- Switch the toggle button at the top center of the Workflow Builder screen from “Design” to “Test.”
- On the right side of the screen, the workflow simulator screen will appear.
- Click Run Test.
- You will see a preview of your form. At the top of the form, click the dropdown next to the Current User to select which user would you like to impersonate. The form will update to reflect what that user will see.
Three users are available to test as form submitters:- App Admin (You): The user using the Workflow Simulator.
- Anonymous Person: User that has not logged in to Kuali Build.
- Generic Logged-in Person: User that has logged in to Kuali Build.
- Fill out the form as you’d like, and click Submit in the bottom right.
- Kuali Build will go through each step in your workflow and display a preview of what will happen. For example, if you have a notification step sending an email, Kuali Build will show you a preview of that email.
Note: No part of a test is live – the emails are not actually being sent!
- To go to the next step in the workflow, click Next in the bottom right.
- If your workflow contains branches, the test panel will alert you.
- On a panel like this for parallel routes, when you click Next, Kuali Build will preview the current route’s steps based on the route logic. You cannot preview other routes because Kuali Build is accurately testing this form submission. To preview other routes, you must submit a new test form answering the form questions appropriately.
- When the test has gone through every step in the workflow (following the appropriate branches), the panel will alert you that the workflow is complete.
- You can click Start Over to perform another test, or toggle back to Design at the top center of this page to continue editing the workflow.