Sending Requests
Sending RequestsOverview
Signature requests can be initiated in multiple ways, including from the Sign dashboard as well as from an individual file. In addition to signatures, other form fields can be added to a file - text fields, check boxes, etc. The sections below contain information on how to start and manage signature requests from the Box Sign dashboard.
- Log in to the Tufts Box website with your Tufts credentials.
- Select Sign in the left-hand menu.
- Click Request Signature in the top right corner of the page.
- A new request page will appear. To select a file for signing, click the + button and then choose “Choose from Box” or “Upload File.” You can also drag-and-drop a file. Multiple files can be selected this way.
- A preview of your file(s) will appear with a panel on the right-hand side where you can finish preparing your request.
- To add more files to your request, click on the Add button in the left-hand Files toolbar. You can choose files from Box or upload files from another location. Repeat as necessary.
- In the Recipients box, your name will automatically be listed and your role with be "Get a Copy." To change your role to "Signer" or something else, click on your name and choose the appropriate option.
- Add the names or email addresses of one or more people who you want to receive the request. This field is linked to the Tufts Directory, but you can also list non-Tufts email addresses (e.g. Gmail). Up to 35 recipients can be included in a single request.
- (Optional) Check the box next to “Add as recipient group” if you only need one of the listed individuals to act on the file. The remaining recipients in the group will still receive a copy of the signed files upon completion of the request.
- Click Add. The recipients will be added to the request. More recipients/groups can be added as needed by repeating the previous steps.
- (Optional) To modify a recipient/group, click on their name/email. A panel will appear where you can:
- Change their role on the request
- Get a Copy – Recipient does not need to perform any actions on the file. At the end of the signing process, they will get an email with a link to a copy of the signed file and the signing log.
- Signer (default) – Recipient needs to sign the file and/or complete other fields.
- Approver – Recipient will not be asked to sign the file or fill in any other fields. They simply need to review the file and indicate whether or not they approve of the file’s contents.
- In-Person (not available for recipient groups) – Recipient will sign the file in person, on the sender’s device (computer, smartphone, or tablet). Note that when this is done, the signing log will label their signature as “not verified by Box Sign”.
- Require Additional Recipient Verification (SMS 2-Factor Authentication) - When the recipient goes to submit their completed request, they will first have to enter a confirmation code that is sent to them via text.
- Require Password - The recipient will have to enter a password that is set by you before they get access to the document for signing. You will need to share the password with them!
- Remove Recipient
- Change their role on the request
- (Optional) By default, recipients/groups can act on the request in any order. If necessary, you can force recipients to sign in a particular order. To do so, click on the slider to enable “Specify Signing Order,” then enter numbers in the boxes to the right to indicate the order (1, 2, 3,…).
- From the Signatures & Fields box, click-and-drag desired form fields into your document.
- Once a field is in place, you can click on it to move/resize it and to see additional options, including who it is assigned to. The options that appear will depend on the field being modified. (Note: Fields are marked as Required by default, but you can turn this off as needed.)
- In the Save Location box, select the folder in Box where you'd like to save the final document and Signing Log to.
- Click into the Email Notification box. From here, you can:
- Use the Subject and Message fields to customize the email notification that will go to recipients.
- Configure automatic reminders. When enabled, reminders are sent to anyone who hasn’t signed yet. Reminders are sent on days 3, 6, 11, and 16 after the request is sent.
- Click into the Options box. Here you can:
- Change the name of the file that will be signed and saved.
- Set the request to expire after a given amount of time.
- Save the request as a template that can be reused later.
- When you’re ready, click Send Request in the top right corner of the page.
Note: You cannot modify a file during a signature request process. However, you can make modifications to the request itself. For example, you can add/remove recipients or change their roles.
- Log in to
- Select Sign in the left-hand menu.
- Make sure Sent Requests is selected at the top of the page. A list of your sent requests will be displayed.
- Find the request, click on the Options button, and select Revise Request.
- A page will load where you can modify the request. Changes that can be made include adding/removing recipients, changing roles, and modifying form fields.
- When you’re done, click Save Changes to the top right of the page.
- Log in to
- Select Sign in the left-hand menu.
- Make sure Sent Requests is selected at the top of the page. A list of your sent requests will be displayed.
- Hover your mouse over the request and click on View Details.
- A window will load where you can see more details about the status of the request. You can also download the document, revise the request, and more.