
The Q&A feature in Zoom allows participants to submit written questions during the meeting via a dedicated panel, rather than relying on the chat feature. For each question, hosts and co-hosts can provide written answers for the entire meeting or privately (to the person who asked it). Alternatively, they can mark questions to be answered out loud.

Host's Q&A window

Notes about Q&A

  • By default, the Q&A feature is disabled for ALL of your meetings. If you want to automatically enable it for all of your meetings, you can do this in your Zoom account settings.
  • If you want to enable Q&A for an INDIVIDUAL meeting, you can do so in the scheduling form. This must be done before the meeting starts.
  • When Q&A is enabled for a meeting, you can visit the meeting’s info page to adjust Q&A settings before the meeting. You can also adjust these settings within the meeting.
  • Q&A is available for participants on mobile devices!
  • After the meeting, you can generate Q&A reports that list submitted questions and responses.
  • For more information, visit Zoom’s Q&A support page.

The Q&A feature is OFF by default in your Tufts Zoom account settings. Even so, you can enable it for individual meetings. See the next section for more information on how to do that.

To automatically enable Q&A for ALL of your meetings, follow the directions below.

  1. Visit the Tufts Zoom website and log in with your Tufts credentials.
  2. Select Settings in the left-hand menu.
  3. Find the Q&A setting. Note that this setting is OFF by default.
  4. To automatically enable Q&A for all of your meetings, click the slider to the ON position.Zoom account Q&A setting

When scheduling your meeting, make sure the Q&A option is checked in the scheduling form. (Note: If your meeting was already scheduled, you can visit the Tufts Zoom website and edit the meeting to turn Q&A on/off. This must be done before the meeting starts.)

Q&A option in scheduling form


The steps below describe how to manage Q&A settings before a meeting, from the Tufts Zoom website. For directions on managing Q&A during a meeting, see the next section.

  1. Visit the Tufts Zoom website.
  2. Find the meeting you want to manage and click on it. (Click on the name of the meeting. Do not click the Edit button.)Clicking on name of meeting
  3. Click on the Q&A tab.
    Q&A tab


  4. The Q&A settings for that meeting will be displayed. Note that these will be the default Q&A settings for when you start the meeting. Settings can be changed as necessary during the meeting. To make changes, click Edit.Q&A Edit option
  5. Make changes as necessary. Editing Q&A settings
    Options include:
    • Participants can submit questions – Determines whether participants can submit written questions. (Tip: If you don’t want participants to submit questions right at the start of the meeting, leave this OFF in these settings, then turn it on in the meeting when you are ready.)
    • Allow anonymous questions – Allows participants to submit questions without indicating who they are.
    • All participants to view…
      • Answered questions only – If selected, participants can only see questions that have been answered.
      • All questions – If selected, participants can see all submitted questions, including ones that haven’t been answered yet.
        • Attendees can upvote – Allows participants to vote for questions that they would like to see answered.
        • Attendees can comment – Allows participants to post their own comments on submitted questions.
  6. When you’re done, click Save.

If Q&A has been enabled for a meeting, you should see the Q&A option in the bottom toolbar of the meeting window.

  1. Click on Q&A in the bottom toolbar of the meeting window. The Q&A window will open.Q&A icon
  2. To manage Q&A settings, click the Settings icon in the top right corner. Q&A settings
    Options include:
    • Participants can submit questions – Determines whether participants can submit written questions. (Tip: If you don’t want participants to submit questions right at the start of the meeting, leave this OFF in these settings, then turn it on in the meeting when you are ready.)
    • Allow anonymous questions – Allows participants to submit questions without indicating who they are.
    • All participants to view…
      • Answered questions only – If selected, participants can only see questions that have been answered.
      • All questions – If selected, participants can see all submitted questions, including ones that haven’t been answered yet.
        • Attendees can upvote – Allows participants to vote for questions that they would like to see answered.
        • Attendees can comment – Allows participants to post their own comments on submitted questions.
  3. Use the tabs along the top to view open, answered, or dismissed questions.Q&A tabs
  4. Use the main portion of the Q&A window to manage submitted questions. Responding to questions
    For each question, you can:
    • Dismiss – Hides question from participants and moves it to Dismissed tab. Dismissed questions can be re-opened later by a host or co-host, if necessary.
    • Delete – Completely deletes question. Question cannot be re-opened later.
    • Answer live – Indicates that the question will be answered verbally (i.e. via audio) rather than with a written response. Participants will be able to see which host/co-host has decided to answer the question live.
    • Type answer – Select this to provide a written response to the question. When writing the response, you can select if you want to send the response privately so that only the original submitter can view it. Otherwise, all participants will be able to view the response by default.typing an answer to a question

Reminder: Meeting hosts and co-hosts manage Q&A settings. As a result, the availability of certain features may change from meeting to meeting.

  1. Click on Q&A in the bottom toolbar of the meeting window.Q&A icon
  2. The Q&A window will open. Participant's Q&A window, with options to view and submit questions, upvote, and comment
    From here, you can potentially:
    • View submitted questions, responses, comments, etc.
    • Submit a new question. If enabled, you can even submit questions anonymously.
    • Comment on submitted questions.
    • Upvote questions. Upvoting makes it easier for hosts and co-hosts to know what questions participants are most interested in.
  1. After the meeting has ended, visit the Tufts Zoom website.
  2. In the left-hand menu, select Reports.
  3. Select Usage Reports.
  4. Select Meetings.
  5. Search for the meeting you want to generate a report for. Make sure the Q&A report option is selected!
  6. When you find the meeting, click Generate. A report will be created. This may take a minute.
  7. Once the report is generated, click Download. A .csv file will be downloaded to your computer. You can open this .csv file in Excel.