DTEN Touch Displays

DTEN Touch Displays


DTEN interactive displays can be used to join virtual meetings and participate in virtual whiteboards.

DTEN home screen, with options for joining meetings, sharing content, and starting whiteboards


Tap screen to activate. If device doesn’t wake up, press the Power button on back/side of display.

  1. Tap Share Content on home screen.
  2. Instructions will appear for sharing via your device’s Zoom app or browser.
    • Zoom App – Log in to the Zoom app on your device. Click Share Screen, then enter the Sharing Key provided.
    • Browser – In your browser navigate to share.zoom.us and enter the Meeting ID and Passcode provided.

Note: When starting a meeting this way, the DTEN device will automatically have the Host role. If this is your scheduled meeting and you join on another device, that device will automatically have the Co-host role. You can reclaim the host role if desired.

  1. Tap Join on the home screen.
  2. Enter Meeting ID and tap Join.
  3. Enter Passcode and tap Confirm.

Note: DTEN device must have sharing privileges.

  1. Tap Share Content in meeting toolbar.
  2. Instructions will appear for sharing via your device’s Zoom app or browser.
    • Zoom App – Log in to the Zoom app on your device. Click Share Screen, then enter the Sharing Key provided.
    • Browser – In your browser, navigate to share.zoom.us and enter the Meeting ID and Passcode provided.

In meetings, use the bottom toolbar to manage audio and video, security, polls, breakout rooms, and more. The availability of certain options will depend on the DTEN’s role in the meeting - Host, Co-host, or participant.

Zoom meeting toolbar

Note: Recordings initiated by the DTEN device will be available to the meeting scheduler via the Tufts Zoom website at tufts.zoom.us. For instant meetings (not scheduled), you will be prompted to enter an email address to share the recording to.

When launching a whiteboard, you can choose to use Zoom’s new advanced whiteboard or their classic version. The new advanced whiteboard is recommended and documented here.

Starting a Whiteboard New Whiteboard

  1. Tap Whiteboard on the home screen (outside of meeting) or bottom toolbar (in meeting). If in a meeting, the DTEN will need to have whiteboard privileges.
  2. Select the NEW Whiteboard option.
  3. If in a meeting, select whether participants should have Edit or View privileges and tap Open.

Saving a Whiteboard

  1. Tap Save toward the top right corner of the board.
  2. A window will appear with options for connecting to the DTEN.
    • Option 1 – With your mobile device, scan the QR code on the screen. You will then be prompted sign in to Zoom on your device.
    • Option 2 – Log into the Zoom application on your device. Press the Pair button, then enter the code provided on the DTEN screen.
  3. You will be listed as a connected user on the DTEN screen
  4. Tap on your name on the DTEN screen.
  5. On your device, select Accept to take ownership of the board.
Example of information needed to connect to DTEN device (Share Key and QR code)