Email an Activation Link

Email an Activation Link

Note: These directions are a continuation from those on How to Add a Smartphone or Tablet.

If you do not want to give the Duo Mobile application access to your device’s camera, or you are not able to scan the QR code, follow these alternative steps to complete the process of adding your Tufts account to the Duo Mobile app.

This process goes through an email that Duo sends to you. You must be able to access the email from the device you are registering with Duo 2FA.

  1. When you are adding your device and you get to the QR code step, rather than scanning the QR code click Get an activation link instead.Option to get activation link
  2. Enter your email address and click Send Email.entering email address
  3. Once you get it, open the email and click the activation with activation link


  4. A new tab will open in your browser, then you’ll be redirected to the Duo Mobile app. You may need to click Open to be redirected.redirecting to the Duo Mobile app
  5. Name your account “Tufts University” and click Save.naming the account
  6. Back on your computer, you should see confirmation that the activation is complete. Click Continue to close the popup window.confirmation that the process was completed successfully