Transferring Ownership of Zoom Content

Transferring Ownership of Zoom Content


Whether you’re planning on leaving Tufts University, changing job roles/responsibilities, or have some other reason, you may need to transfer Zoom content to other Tufts users. As always, be careful about the nature of the content you are transferring and take into account privacy concerns, legal obligations, etc. when handing it off to new owners.

The sections below contain recommended guidance on handling:

  • Recordings
  • Reports
  • Future scheduled meetings

Follow the guidance on the Migration and Long-Term Storage page to download copies of your recordings and upload them to the appropriate destination (e.g. Box). There are different recommendations depending on the nature of the recordings. Once your content is there, you can transfer ownership to other people as needed.

Note: Microsoft OneDrive is not recommended as a destination as it does not allow for the direct transfer of ownership.

Zoom allows you to generate reports for different purposes – attendance reports, registration reports, poll reports, etc.

If any of these reports need to be saved for records, it is recommended that you download copies, upload them to an appropriate destination, and then transfer ownership of that content as needed.

Note: Microsoft OneDrive is not recommended as a destination as it does not allow for the direct transfer of ownership.

If you have any future scheduled meetings that you want to transfer to someone else, that is possible by first obtaining scheduling delegate privileges for their account.

  1. Whoever you are going to be transferring meetings to, ask them to follow the directions on the Delegates and Permissions page to give YOU scheduling privileges on their account. Once they have done this, your Zoom settings will show that they have given you delegate access in the Schedule Privilege section.Scheduling Privilege setting on Tufts Zoom website
  2. Log into the Tufts Zoom website, find the future meeting you want to transfer, and click Edit.edit meeting
  3. On the edit page, find the Schedule For field and change the selection from “Myself” to the person who you want to transfer the meeting to.Schedule For option
  4. Click Save toward the bottom of the scheduling form.
  5. Repeat as needed for other meetings.
  6. When the process is done, those other people can remove your scheduling privileges if they want to. You can also give up those privileges on your own by going into your Tufts Zoom settings and clicking on the ‘x’ button next to their up scheduling privileges