MATLAB Licensing

MATLAB Licensing
COMING FALL SEMESTER 2024! An individual MATLAB license will be required for use on personal and Tufts machines, including virtual desktops.


Members of the Tufts community have access to the online and desktop versions of MATLAB software and associated toolboxes on personal and institutional computers. This requires activation of an individual license, which must then be renewed on a yearly basis for continued use.

The list of toolboxes can be found on the MathWorks Products and Services page. Note that our license does not include some products that are specific to commercial customers (i.e., DO Qualification Kit, IEC Certification Kit).

If you’ve never signed up for a Tufts MathWorks account, follow the directions below.

  1. Visit the MATLAB access page for Tufts University.
  2. Click Sign in to get started.Sign in option on Tufts MathWorks portal
  3. Enter your Tufts email address (e.g., and click Next.entering Tufts email
  4. A Tufts login window will appear. Log in with your Tufts username (e.g., jjumbo01) and password.Tufts login window
  5. You will be prompted finish setting up your MathWorks account profile. Fill in the fields, accept the Online Service Agreement, and click Create.account creation form
  6. The MATLAB website will load. From here you can…
    • Open the online version of MATLAB
    • Download the MATLAB desktop application
    • View documentation and training
    • More!MATLAB home page

This section explains how to access the web version of MATLAB. Members of Tufts can also download and install the desktop version to their personal devices. See the section on “Downloading MATLAB on Your Computer.”

  1. Visit the MATLAB website.
  2. Click Sign In.MATLAB website sign in button
  3. Enter your Tufts email address (e.g., and click Next.
  4. You’ll be redirected to a Tufts login page. Log in with your Tufts username (e.g., jjumbo01) and password.
  5. The MATLAB homepage will load. Click the Open MATLAB Online button.Open MATLAB Online button
  6. MATLAB Online will open in a new tab in your browser.MATLAB web client

Before doing this, you must have an active Tufts MATLAB license! See the section on “Obtaining a Tufts MATLAB License.”

  1. Visit the MATLAB website.
  2. Click Sign In.MATLAB website sign in button
  3. Enter your Tufts email address (e.g., and click Next.
  4. You’ll be redirected to a Tufts login page. Log in with your Tufts username (e.g., jjumbo01) and password.
  5. The MATLAB homepage will load. Click the Install MATLAB option.install MATLAB button
  6. A Downloads page should appear with the appropriate installer package for your device automatically selected. Click the Download option
  7. Download the installer package to your device.
  8. Open the MATLAB installer and follow the prompts to complete the installation process.
    • Notes about the installation process:
      • When you are asked to sign in, use your Tufts credentials.
      • When you are prompted to select a license, make sure you pick your MATLAB (Individual) license.MATLAB installer package icon
  9. When installation is complete, click Close to close installer.
  10. Find MATLAB in your Applications folder and open it.MATLAB in Applications folder
  11. When prompted, log in with your Tufts credentials. The application will open and be ready to use.MATLAB desktop application

To use MATLAB on institutional machines (e.g., in a Tufts computer lab), you will need to be logged in to a Tufts MathWorks account and have an active license.

If necessary, follow the steps in the “Obtaining a Tufts MATLAB License” above.

According to MathWorks, your MATLAB license should update automatically. If this doesn’t occur, you may need up update your license manually. More information is available on the MATLAB Update Your License support page.

Manually Updating a MATLAB License

  1. Open the MATLAB desktop application.
  2. If necessary, log in with your Tufts credentials.
  3. In the Home tab, click into the Help dropdown menu, select Licensing > Update Current License.Licensing option under Help menu in MATLAB desktop application
  4. Follow the prompts to update your license.