Enable or Disable a Product in TouchNet
Enable or Disable a Product in TouchNetNeed help? Contact Treasury@tufts.edu.
If you run out of stock or a product is not going to be available for a stretch of time, you have the ability to enable or disable products. Disabling does not remove products, but stops them from being visible to the general public. This is a useful option for products that repeat seasonally but require minor changes.
- Once logged in to TouchNet, on the main menu bar, click Applications > Marketplace.
- On the left navigation menu, click Marketplace Home > Your Marketplace location (ex. Arts & Sciences) > Stores > your Store (ex. Art Gallery) > Store Settings >Products.Your Store's Products page appears.
- Locate the product you'd like to remove from view in your store. Generally products are enabled for both Web and Mobile.
- On the far right side, click/hover over the gear for your product. A pop-up menu opens.
- Make a selection, such as Change Web Availability > Disable. The Are you sure you want to do this message appears.
- Click OK. The change is made immediately, but give the page a few seconds to reflect the change.
- Make other changes, such as Change Mobile Availability > Disable, as needed.