TTS 2019 National Cybersecurity Awareness Month Student Video Contest
Create a video that shows off your cybersmarts
Sponsored by Tufts Technology Services (TTS), the 2019 Cybersecurity Awareness Month Student Video Contest encourages Tufts students to help promote cybersecurity awareness through video production building a library of student created content for use by Tufts to promote cybersecurity awareness.
Contest submissions should choose a related security awareness theme and create a short video to highlight this theme. National Cybersecurity Awareness Month StaySafeOnline themes may be used or SANS Security Awareness Planning Toolkit themes may be helpful.
Contest entry submission guidelines:
- The video must be an original work.
- Video entries should be 1-3 minutes in length maximum.
- Video quality should be 1080p or higher.
- Video should use captioning for accessibility
- A written release must be provided for each person distinctly featured or involved in the production of the video. Tufts Image Release form.
- Students may submit more than one video entry.
- By submitting a video entry, the creators authorize use by Tufts as part of our security awareness campus efforts.
- Entries will be accepted through 11:59 PM ET Oct. 22th.
- Video entries can be shared with TTS via Box in a separate folder labeled with student submitter last name and school/class of XXXX (e.g, Jane Smith, AS&E/2020) and/or by emailing them to Christine Fitzgerald at Christine.Fitzgerald@tufts.edu. Note; If you create folder in Box, please email Christine Fitzgerald with link to folder so we can confirm your submission.
Video content must NOT:
- Promote illegal behavior.
- Discriminate against or support individual prejudice towards others along ethnic, racial, religious, or sexual ground.
- Invade the privacy of any person.
- Support or oppose a candidate for elective office or advocate for the passage or defeat of legislation or a ballot measure.
- Use inappropriate or obscene language
The winning video(s) will:
- Be featured in an article at Tufts
- Videos will be shared on TTS' YouTube Channel
- The top 3 videos will receive a $200 Amazon Gift Card
- Any student who submits a video will receive a token participation prize (i.e. webcam cover)
- Winners will be notified by 10/29
Eligibility: Open to any/all undergraduate and graduate college students at Tufts.
Videos will be judged using the posted Video Evaluation Criteria Rubric.
If you have questions about the contest, please contact Christine Fitzgerald.