Cyber Security Awareness
October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM). Spread the word!
Information Stewards
Learn more about the role and tasks of the Information Stewards.
Confidential Information Destruction
Confidential information, whether stored on paper or in digital formats, such as flash drives, computer hard drives, or CD’s, must be securely destroyed before it is disposed.
Working with Sensitive Information
Certain categories of data used at Tufts must be created, stored, and accessed in accordance with Tufts policy, and/or Massachusetts, state and federal law.
Email Security Tips
Tips to help you avoid phishing scams and follow safe email use.
Email Restrictions for Sensitive Personal Information
Guidelines for the limited use of email to share specific types of sensitive personal information.
Protecting Files
This information will help you learn the steps to encrypt and password protect Adobe and MS Office files.
Remote Network Access (VPN)
Tufts VPN and VPN AnyConnect add extra security when using unsecure networks.
Password Security
A strong, unique Tufts Password is the first step in keeping your data secure.
Two-Factor Authentication
Two-factor authentication (2FA) adds a second level of verification when people log into designated Tufts websites and online services. This added layer of security is provided by DuoSecurity.
Securing Devices
Are your personal devices in danger? It is important to learn how to protect your devices.
Protecting University Data
Promoting and ensuring the use of data in a responsible and secure manner.
Data Privacy
Tufts places a high value on privacy.
Data Privacy: Resources for Losses and Compromises
Tips to protect your personal data and resources for those who may have suffered a data breach.