Box Notes
Box Notes are simple word processor-type documents created directly in Box. They are useful for recording quick notes for yourself and can be shared with other people for easy collaboration.
Box Notes Home Screen

Creating a Note from the Box Website
1. Navigate to the folder where you want the Box Note to be located.
2. Click on the New button and select Box Note.

3. Type the name of your new Note.
4. Click Create. A new Note will be created with the name you provided as the title. You can now start editing and collaborating on the note. Changes are automatically saved as you work.
Creating a Note from Box Drive
1. Open your computer’s file manager (Finder on a Mac or Explorer on a PC).
2. Navigate to the Box folder where you would like to save the Note.
3. Right click on the folder.
4. Select Create a Box Note. A browser window will open with a new untitled Box Note. The Note will be saved to the folder that you specified earlier.
5. Rename and edit your Box Note. Changes will be saved for you.
You can search for a Note directly from the home screen, from the Box Drive search, or from the Notes screen. See the page on Searching for information on how to search from the main Box home screen and Box Drive search tools.
Searching for a Note from the Notes Screen
1. Go to
2. Click on the Notes button in the left-hand menu.
3. Click on the Search button (magnifying glass) at top of the page. A search window will open.
4. Type in terms to search by. Box will search the titles and contents of your Notes. Results will show up in real time.
5. Scroll through the results and click on the Note you’d like to open.
What Does Collaborating on a Note Look Like?
When multiple people are working together on a Box Note at the same time, their profile icons will appear next to where they are currently working on the document. This is demonstrated below. You and your collaborators can edit the Note at the same time and everyone’s work will be saved.

Sharing a Note via a Link
1. Open the Note you’d like to share.
2. Click on the Share button at the top of the page.
3. Click Get Link.

4. Click on the blue text that says People with the link to select access type. A dropdown menu will appear with the following options. Click on the access type that you’d like to select.
- People with the link – Anyone with the link can access the Note.
- People in your company – Only people with the link who have a Box account through Tufts University can access the Note.
- People in this folder – Only people with the link who have also been invited as collaborators to the folder that the Note is saved to can access the Note.
- Remove Link – Disables and removes the link to the Note so people can no longer use it for access.

5. Click on the blue text that says Can view. A dropdown menu will appear.
6. Select whether you’d like the people who can access this Note to be able to view it or edit it.
7. Copy the Shared Link for the Box note.
8. Paste the link wherever you will be sharing it.
Sending an Invitation to Edit a Note
1. Open the Note you’d like to share.
2. Click on the Share button at the top of the page.
3. Click Invite people to edit.
4. Type in the names or email addresses of people you would like to invite. Box is integrated with the Tufts University Directory, so you can type in people’s names and their email addresses should pop up. Select names from the dropdown menu as they appear. They will automatically become editors of the Note.
5. Click Send Invites.
Managing Collaborators from the Box Website
1. Open the Note you’d like to manage.
2. Click on the Share button at the top of the page.
3. Click Manage people. A window will open with a detailed list of all of the collaborators for that Note.

4. Find the collaborator whose permissions you’d like to adjust.
5. Under the Permissions column, click on their permissions setting. A dropdown menu will appear. You can change their permissions to one of the available options or click Remove if you’d like to take away their collaboration privileges completely.

Managing Collaborators from Box Drive
1. Open your computer’s file manager (Finder on a Mac or Explorer on a Windows PC).
2. Find the Note that you want to manager.
3. Right click on the Note.
4. Move your mouse over the Share button.
5. Click on Manage Collaborators. You will be brought to the collaborator management page where you can adjust collaborator permissions or remove them from the folder.