Creating New Files and Folders
New files and folders can be created right from the website when you are on the home screen or within a particular folder. You can also create a new file in a desktop application and save it directly to Box if you have Box Drive installed on your computer.
Whether you are on the home screen or in a particular folder on the website, there will be a New button located near the top of the page that will allow you to create new items.
1. Click on the New button. A dropdown menu will appear with available options. You can create a new folder, a bookmark, a Box Note, a Microsoft Word document, etc.

2. Select the type of item you would like to create. A popup window will appear.
3. Name your item and click Create.

4. The new item will launch in the appropriate application.
1. Open your computer's file manager (Finder on a Mac or Explorer on a Windows PC).
2. Select Box.
3. Navigate to the location in Box where you want to create the new folder.
4. Right click in the folder where you would like to create the new folder.
5. Select New Folder.

1. Open an application (Word, PowerPoint, etc.) and create a new file like you normally would. Microsoft PowerPoint is shown here as an example.
2. Click File.
3. Click Save as.
4. Select Box as the location where you’d like to save your file. If you have a particular folder that you’d like to save it to, select it.
5. Name your file.
6. Click Save.