Upload-Only Folder Access
Box provides multiple ways to set up folders with upload-only access. These methods are described below.
From a privacy and security standpoint, these strategies vary slightly. When you invite someone to a folder as an Uploader, they will be able to see a list of the folder's contents (file names and extensions). They will also be able to see who uploaded/updated each item unless you restrict that option in the folder's settings.
Use email uploads and file request widgets to give people the ability to upload content to a folder without seeing the folder.
Collaborators can be granted Uploader status when they are invited to a folder, which gives them upload-only privileges.
Uploaders will see the folder in their All Files list. When they click on the folder, they will be able to see a list of its contents (files and subfolders), including who uploaded/updated each item and upload new content. To prevent Uploaders from seeing each other's activity, see the section below on Hiding Collaborator Activity.
Uploaders will NOT be able to preview or download any of the files, even their own, from this folder.
CAUTION: Uploaders DO have the ability to upload new versions of existing files. This gives them the ability to overwrite each other’s files as long as they have the same file name and extension.
For more detailed descriptions on how to share and best practices when dealing with sensitive content, see the pages on Sharing Files and Folders and Security Tips, respectively.
Inviting People as Uploaders
1. Log in to tufts.box.com.
2. Find the folder you want to use or create a new folder for uploads.
3. Move your mouse over the folder so that the option buttons appear.
4. Click on Share.

5. In the Invite People section, begin typing the name of a person you want to give upload privileges to. Suggestions from the Tufts Directory will appear as you type. Click on the name of the person you want to invite when it appears. Repeat this process as necessary.
6. Click on Invite as Editor to open the dropdown menu.
7. Select Uploader.
8. Add a Message. (optional)
9. Click Send.

Hiding Collaborator Activity
1. Click on the More Options button for the folder.
2. Select Settings.

3. Scroll down to Privacy.
4. Check the box next to Hide collaborators and their activity from non-owners. When this is enabled, collaborators can still see the folder's file list, but they cannot see who uploaded/updated each item.

5. Click the Save Changes button toward the top right of the window.
Folders can be set up to accept file uploads via email. This allows people to submit files to the folder by emailing them as attachments. Unless they have been given access to the folder or a parent folder, they will not be able to view the folder or its contents.
For a quick overview, watch this video about the Email Upload feature in Box.
Enabling Email Uploads
1. Log in to tufts.box.com.
2. Find the folder that you would like to use or create a new folder for email submissions.
3. Click on the More Options button for that folder.
4. Click on Settings. The folder’s settings page will open.

5. Scroll down to the Uploading section.

6. Allow uploads to this folder via email - Check this box. Email uploads will be enabled and a unique Upload Email Address will be generated for the folder.
7. Only allow email uploads from collaborators in this folder - If checked, only folder collaborators will be able to submit files via email. Otherwise, anyone can submit files via email.
8. Overwrite files with the same name when uploading by email or widget - Use with caution. If checked, Box will allow files submitted via email to overwrite files that have the same name in your folder.
9. Click Copy to copy the email address to your clipboard.
10. Click the Save Changes button before you leave the settings page!
11. Paste the email address wherever you plan on sharing the upload directions with other people.
Uploading Files to a Box Folder via Email
Note: In order to upload files to a Box folder via email, the email upload feature must be enabled in that folder’s settings. Once enabled, the folder will have a unique email address (e.g. Upload_.14faz6vuxaj06rka@u.box.com), which can be used to upload files.
1. Open the email client of your choice (e.g. Outlook).
2. Start a new email message.
3. In the To field, type/paste the email address of the Box folder you want to upload to.
4. Insert the file you wish to upload as an attachment to the email.

5. Send the email. The attached file will be uploaded to the folder.
When the File Request feature this is enabled for a folder, people will be able to upload files to the folder via an upload page or a widget on your website (pictured below). Unless they have been given access to the folder or a parent folder, they will not be able to view the folder or its contents.
For a quick overview, watch this video about File Request widgets in Box.

Enabling File Request
1. Log in to tufts.box.com.
2. Find the folder that you would like to use or create a new folder for uploads.
3. Move your mouse over the folder, click the More Options button, and select File Request.

4. A window will appear from which you can manage the File Request feature for the folder. From this window, you can do the following:

- Click Settings to access some advanced controls. From here, you can force uploaders to sign into Box before they can upload something. You can also set an expiration date for the upload link.
- Click Edit to manage the appearance of your upload page/widget. You can give your upload page/widget a title and description, manage the fields that are available in the widget, and change the header color and logo.
- Copy a shareable link to a File Request page. You can put this link anywhere (e.g. in an email), and people can use it to go to a page where they can upload files
- Copy a code that you can use to embed an upload widget into a website. People can upload files directly through that widget.
- Click Preview to see what the File Request will look like.
- Disable the File Request feature.
Uploading Files to a Box Folder via a Widget
In order to upload files to a Box folder via a widget, the File Request feature must be enabled by the folder’s owner. Once enabled, the folder owner can either provide a link to the upload widget or embed the widget in a webpage.
1. Go to the page that has the upload widget.
2. Either drag and drop a file into the widget or click Browse your device to search for one.
3. Depending on how the folder owner configured the widget, you may also be asked to provide your email address and a description of the file you are uploading.
4. Click Submit.