Managing Storage Space
Effective August 5, 2024, storage limits were introduced in Box. The goal of having storage limits is to encourage users to continually review the content they are storing and remove whatever is not needed.
Only content that you own counts against your storage limit! Content that you have been invited to as a collaborator (e.g., as an Editor) does NOT count against you.
This page contains information on how to understand how much Box storage space you are using and what is contributing to it.
- Visit the Tufts Box website and log in with your Tufts credentials.
- Click on your profile icon toward the top right corner of the page and select Account Settings.
- Under the Account tab, in the Account Details section, you should see the amount of storage you are currently using for your Tufts Box account.
- Visit the Tufts Box website and log in with your Tufts credentials.
- Go to the search field toward the top of the page, click on the Search Options icon.
- A Filter panel will open on the right.
- Do NOT enter anything in the Keyword field. Leave it blank.
- In the Owner field, search for and select yourself.
- In the Size field, select an appropriate size range. For example, you could select “1 GB+” to see your largest files/folders.
- Click the Search button at the bottom of the filter panel.
- A results page will load with a list of content that matches your filter criteria. From here, you can:
- View and modify your filters
- Check the box next to an item to select it. In the Details panel, you can see the size of the file/folder.
- Manage content
- Navigate to content
- If necessary, click into the folder to investigate further.
- If it is safe and appropriate to do so, delete content that is no longer needed to free up space.
Reminder: The method below will help you understand how much storage space is used by specific content. However, only content for which YOU are the Owner will count against your account. Content that you have access to as a collaborator does not count against you.
- Visit the Tufts Box website and log in with your Tufts credentials.
- Select All Files in the lefthand menu.
- Click on the Size header at the top of the column until your content is organized with most storage used on top. Note: This column will organize content by the total amount of storage used, but will display the total number of files within each folder. This can be confusing because may seem out of order.
- Move your mouse over a file or folder and click on the checkbox to select it.
- In the righthand panel that appears, click into the Details tab if necessary.
- Information about the file/folder will be displayed, including storage size and who is the Owner (i.e., who the storage counts against).
- If necessary, click into the folder to investigate further.
- If it is safe and appropriate to do so, delete content that is no longer needed to free up space.
- Delete content you don’t need.
- Do NOT delete content that doesn’t belong to you unless you are absolutely sure it is okay to do so. (Tip: Check with the owner first, if possible.)
- Do NOT delete content that needs to be retained for University records, legal holds, contractual obligations, etc.
- Deleted content goes to the Trash and stays there for 30 days before being permanently deleted automatically. You can restore content from the Trash before the 30 days is up.
- Move any non-Tufts content to your own personal storage.
- Do you own stuff that shouldn’t really belong to you? Consider one of the following:
- Transfer ownership to another individual
- If you own a lot of content that is used across your department, contact and request a consult about department storage in Box.