What is Box?
Box is an online file storage and collaboration service. Some of the benefits to using Box, as opposed to keeping files stored locally on your computer, include:

- Free storage for Tufts students, faculty, and staff.
- Access from anywhere you have an internet connection.
- Large maximum file size of 50.0 GB.
- Ability to store any file type (docx, mp4, SCORM, etc.).
- Sharing and collaboration options.
- Ability to work offline with selected folders (Box Drive required).
When using Box, consider Tufts Information Stewardship and Information Classification Policies as well as the Tufts Box Use Guideline when choosing folders that can be stored on mobile devices.
Logging In
To get started, visit tufts.box.com and log in with your Tufts username (eg. jjumbo01) and password.
The Box Home Screen
When you log in to Box, the home screen will look similar to this. The locations of some important features are shown.