Accessing Voicemail for VoIP
Tufts University is in the process of transitioning faculty and staff members’ voicemail services from Exchange Unified Messaging to Cisco Unity. The directions for accessing messages and managing settings differ between to the two systems.
Details on how to determine which system you use for voicemail and how to use both systems are located in the sections below. If you require additional assistance, please contact TelData Operations by calling 617-627-4357 or emailing
If you don't know which system (Exchange Unified Messaging or Cisco Unity) you use for voicemail, follow the directions below.
- Use an outside telephone line (not your desk phone) to dial into the Exchange Unified Messaging service at 617-627-8300.
- When prompted for your extension, enter your 10-digit Tufts phone number.
- If your voicemail is through Exchange Unified Messaging, you will be asked to enter your PIN.
- If your voicemail is NOT through Exchange Unified Messaging, you will get a message saying that you entered an invalid mailbox extension. This indicates that your voicemail is through Cisco Unity
If you miss a call or are not logged into Jabber on your computer or mobile device, your calls will automatically be routed to voicemail. Voice messages will be sent to your email (as transcriptions and mp3 files) and can also be accessed by dialing into voicemail.
Please see this guide to learn more about the features of voicemail.
Set Up Voicemail
When your voicemail box is ready for use, you will receive an email welcoming you to Exchange Unified Messaging. This email will provide you with setup instructions and a temporary pin.
To set up your voicemail, follow the instructions below to dial into your voicemail. When asked for your pin, enter the temporary pin found in your welcome email.
Dial into Voicemail
You can dial into voicemail from your desk phone or from another device.
To dial into voicemail from your desk phone:
- Dial 617-627-8300 or press the message button on your desk phone. The message button is circled in the image below:
- When prompted, enter your PIN number then press the # key.
To dial into voicemail from another device:
- Dial 617-627-8300
- When prompted to enter your extension, type in the 10 digit phone number associated with your Jabber account.
- Enter your PIN then press the # key.
After you dial into voicemail, you will be able to access several voicemail options. For example, you will be able to listen to your voice messages, record a personal voicemail greeting, and change your pin.
If you miss a call or are not logged into Jabber on your computer or mobile device, your calls will automatically be routed to voicemail. Voice messages will be sent to your email (as .wav files) and can also be accessed by dialing into voicemail.
Set up Voicemail
- If you are using your Tufts Cisco phone, press the Message key. If you are using a different phone, call the Tufts Unity voicemail system at 617-627-6300.
- If prompted to "Enter your ID", enter ‘1’ followed by your 10-digit Tufts phone number (example: 1617627xxxx). You will not need to enter your mailbox number if you are calling from your Tufts Cisco phone.
- When prompted:
- Record your name
- Record a greeting
- Set up a new 6-digit PIN. (PINs consisting of consecutive number are not permitted.)
- AFTER you hear the “You have finished enrollment” message, hang up. Your new greeting and PIN will be saved.
Reset Your PIN
The voicemail system will lock after three failed login attempts. It will automatically unlock after 30 minutes.
If you need to reset your PIN, contact TelData Operations by phone (617-627-4357) or email (
Dial Into Voicemail
- If you are using your Tufts Cisco phone, press the Message key. If you are using a different phone, call the Tufts Unity voicemail system at 617-627-6300.
- If prompted to "Enter your ID", enter '1' followed by your 10-digit Tufts phone number (example: 1617627xxxx), then press #.
- Enter your 6-digit PIN number, then press #.
Basic Voicemail Tasks
While listening to the Main Menu, press...
- 1 - Hear new messages
- 2 - Send a message
- 3 - Review old messages
- 4 - Change Setup Options
While listening to a message, press...
- 1 - Restart message
- 2 - Save
- 3 - Delete
- 4 - Slow playback
- 6 - Fast playback
- 7 - Rewind message
- 8 - Pause/Resume
- 9 - Fast-forward
- # - Fast-forward to end
- * - Return to Main Menu
After listening to a message, press...
- 1 - Replay message
- 2 - Save
- 3 - Delete
- 5 - Forward message
- 6 - Save as new
- 7 - Rewind
- 9 - Play message properties
- * - Return to Main Menu
Voicemail Setup Options
While in the voicemail Main Menu, press 4 to access the Setup Options Menu.
Managing Greetings - In the Setup Options Menu, press...
- 1 > 1 - Re-record current greeting
- 1 > 2 - Turn alternate greeting on/off
- 1 > 3 - Edit greetings
- 1 > 3 > 1 - Edit standard greeting
- 1 > 3 > 3 - Edit alternate greeting
- * - Exit
Managing Preferences - In the Setup Options Menu, press...
- 3 > 1 - Change PIN
- 3 > 2 - Change recorded name
- 3 > 3 - Directory listing
- * - Exit