Add a U2F (YubiKey)

Note: These directions are a continuation from those on the Enroll and Set up a Device and Add a New Device pages.

In order to use a U2F device with Duo, make sure you have the following:

Adding a U2F (YubiKey)

  1. Select the Security key option.Security key option
  2. Get your U2F (YubiKey) ready. Click Continue.Confirming that you want to proceed with YubiKey setup
  3. If you are asked how you want to create a passkey, select USB security key.USB Security Key option
  4. When you are prompted, insert your security key into your computer and, when it starts flashing, tap it.Prompt to insert and use security key
  5. You should receive confirmation once setup is complete.

    If you just enrolled in Duo 2FA and this is the first device that you are adding, please return to the page on how to Enroll and Set Up a Device and continue from there! Otherwise, proceed to the next step.