Creating a New List

As a member of the Tufts community, you can create your own e-list for use by your team, club, etc. New e-list creation requests are subject to administrator approval. 

  1. Go to and log in with your Tufts username (e.g. jjumbo01) and password.
  2. Select Request a List in the top menu bar or click the Create list button below. A page will load where you can configure your new list.Request a List button
  3. List name – Give your list a short but descriptive name. This name will be included in every message that is posted. Do not use special characters (e.g., $, !, &, etc.), periods, or spaces.List name field
  4. List type – Select one of the four available list setups. For information about each, read the setup descriptions below each list type.Selecting a list type
  5. Subject – Provide a short but descriptive subject for your list.
  6. Audience – Use the dropdown menu to indicate who/what the list is meant for.
  7. Description – Provide a more detailed explanation of what the list is to be used for.
  8. When you are ready, click Submit your creation request.Entering list details
  9. Your request will be submitted. Note that although you may see your list on the Elist website, you cannot actually use it until it is activated.Sample message saying list not activated yet
  10. Your request will be reviewed by an Elist administrator. You will be notified via email of the decision or, if necessary, asked for more information about the list you are requesting.
  11. If your request is approved, your e-list will be activated and you can search for the list and manage it as needed.