Advanced Options


In addition to the various available question types and settings, options can be managed for form/quiz notifications, language translations, and more.

  1. Click the Options button in the top right corner and select Settings.Settings option
  2. A list of available settings will appear, including:
    • Who can fill out this form
      • Anyone can respond – Does not require sign-in and allows for anonymous responses.
      • Only people in Tufts can respond – Sign-in required. Only people with Tufts logins can access the form.
        • (Optional) Record the name of each submitter.
        • (Optional) Allow one response per person.
      • Specific people in Tufts can respond - Allow access to only specific individuals/groups.
        • (Optional) Record the name of each submitter.
        • (Optional) Allow one response per person.
    • Options for responses
      • Accept responses – Allows respondents to submit forms.
      • Start date – Sets a start date for form submission.
      • End date – Sets an end date for form submission.
      • Set time duration – Sets a time limit for form submission. Editing is not allowed after timer ends. Answers are automatically submitted when time is up.
      • Shuffle questions – Randomizes question order.
      • Disable question number for respondents – Turns off question numbering.
      • Show progress bar – Displays a progress as a visual indicator to respondents of what percentage of the form they have completed as they are going through it.
      • Hide Submit another response – Disables the ability for respondents to immediately open and complete another form from the response confirmation page.
      • Customize thank you message – Enables custom text option for response confirmation page.
      • Allow respondents to save their responses – Gives respondents the ability to save their responses so that they can VIEW them again later from the MS Forms website.
        • Allow respondents to edit their responses – Gives respondents the ability to EDIT their saved respondents.
    • Response receipts
      • Allow receipt of responses after submission – Allows respondents to send themselves an email summary of their submission.
      • Get email notification of each response – Send email notification about response submissions to yourself and other individuals/groups.
      • Get smart notification emails to track the response status – Only available for forms distributed through direct invitations.

By default, the primary language for Tufts Microsoft Forms is English (United States). However, Forms allows you to select additional languages. Note that these language selections only impact the standard text of the form (e.g., the “required” marker, the submit button, warning text, etc.). Choosing different languages will NOT automatically translate your form questions or responses.

HOWEVER, if desired, you can prepare translated versions of your form yourself! Respondents can then select whatever languages you made available.

Preparing Translated Forms

  1. Click the Options button in the top right corner and select Multilingual.multilingual option
  2. The Multilingual panel will open. From here you can:
    • Add language options for your form
    • Translate your form in selected languages (Click the Edit button and translate the form manually.)
    • Remove language optionsMultilingual settings

Completing Forms in Different Languages

When multiple language options are available for a form/quiz, respondents can select between them from a dropdown menu toward the top of the page.

Choosing an available language