Collecting Responses


MS Forms has several options for form access and distribution. When selecting your methods, consider your target audience and the sensitivity of the information in the form itself.

Reminder: In addition to what is described below, more response collection options are available in the settings panel of a form/quiz. For more information, visit the Advanced Options page.

  1. Click Collect responses in the top menu. A new window will open.Collect Responses button
  2. Select who you want to have access to the form:
    • Anyone can respond – Does not require sign-in and allows for anonymous responses.
    • Only people in Tufts can respond – Sign-in required. Only people with Tufts logins can access the form.
      • (Optional) Record the name of each submitter.
      • (Optional) Allow one response per person.
    • Specific people in Tufts can respond – Allow access to only specific individuals/groups.
      • (Optional) Record the name of each submitter.
      • (Optional) Allow one response per person.
  3. Chose how you want to share the form:
    • Link – Generates a link to the form.
    • Direct email and/or Teams message – Send an email or a Teams message to specific individuals or groups.
    • QR code – Generates a QR code that people can scan with their devices to access the form.
    • Embed – Generates code that you can use to embed the form on a webpage.
distribution options


With a pre-filled URL, you can give respondents a link to your form with certain answers entered in advance. Respondents can see these pre-entered answers and make changes as needed before they submit.

Setting up A Pre-Filled URL

  1. Click the Options button in the top right corner and select Get Pre-filled URL.get prefilled url option
  2. Your form will appear. Toward the top of the page, switch the Enable pre-filled answers toggle to the ON position.enable prefilled url option
  3. Step through your form and enter your pre-filled responses.
  4. When you get to the end of the form, click Get Prefilled Link.Get Prefilled Link button
  5. A window will appear with the link. Click Copy link to copy it to your clipboard.copying prefilled link

Present mode is a real-time, interactive method for sharing your form with an audience and displaying response data as it comes in.

Note: The data displayed while in Present mode will include any previous responses to your form/quiz if it was previously shared.

  1. Click Present in the top toolbar.Present button
  2. A page will load with a QR code and a link that respondents can use to access the form. As responses are submitted, data will appear on the screen as automatically generated visualizations. You can navigate between questions and select between visualization styles.Present mode