Quiz Options
Quizzes are basically forms with some extra options that make them helpful for assessing people’s understanding of a topic and potentially providing real-time feedback. For help creating a new quiz, see the page on Creating and Editing a Form.
Note: You CANNOT convert an existing form into a quiz!
Some of the unique options for quiz questions include:
- Correct answers (only for certain question types) – Allows you to set a correct answer(s) for the question.
- Points - By default, each quiz question will be assigned a value of 1 point. However, point values can be edited.
- Math feature – When enabled for a question, allows you to format the question with mathematical formatting. Respondents will also be able to provide answers with mathematical formatting.
- Messages for specific options (multiple choice only) – Allows you to provide specific feedback for individual choices in multiple choice questions.

The settings panel for quizzes contains some quiz-specific options.
- Click the options button in the top toolbar and select Settings.
- Toward the top of the Settings panel, there will be a “Options for quiz” section:
- Practice Mode – Shows respondents the correct answer for each question as they go (for questions that allow you to set a correct answer).
- Show results automatically – Shows respondents their answers and the correct answers after they submit their quiz.

Like regular forms, quizzes have several ways to view and manage response data. For more information, see this page from Microsoft on how to Check and share your quiz results.
In addition to the standard data options you get for forms, you can potentially do the following:
- Basic form data – View average quiz score
- Synced Excel workbook – View report of quiz responses, scores, and feedback
- Results summary – View individual quiz responses and scores, provide feedback to respondents on individual questions or their entire quiz