Uploading and Downloading


You can upload and download content right from the OneDrive website. If you have the OneDrive desktop application, you can also create upload/download through that.

  1. Log in to the OneDrive website with your Tufts credentials.
  2. Select My files in the lefthand menu.
  3. If necessary, navigate to a particular folder. (Note: You can drag-and-drop content right into the OneDrive website to upload, or continue following the directions below.)
  4. Click Add new in the top left corner.
  5. Select Files upload or Folder upload.file and folder upload options
  6. You file manager window should open. Select the content you want to upload and click Open.
  7. The upload process will begin. Progress will be displayed on the screen. Do not close or navigate away from the page while upload is in progress.
  1. Log in to the OneDrive website with your Tufts credentials.
  2. Select My files in the lefthand menu.
  3. Navigate to the content you want to download.
  4. Click on the options button and select Download.Download option
  5. Depending on how your browser is configured, you may be asked to select a download destination or your download my automatically go to a default destination folder, like your computer’s Downloads folder.