JumboPrint: Paid Printing in Labs and Libraries

The computer labs and libraries use a pay for print system, known as JumboPrint, that allows users of these facilities to print from both Tufts-owned and personal computers. In addition, students, faculty, and staff can print to the public lab, library and certain public space printers from anywhere on campus by installing and using the print installation packages for Mac or PC. 


The cost for printing from your personal computer are the same as using the public machines:

    • Black & White prints are 10 cents per page, 15 cents for two-sided printing.
    • Color prints are 30 cents per page, 45 cents for two-sided printing.

Attention Tufts Students - Stipend Available:

Did you know that all Tufts students receive a JumboCash allocation each year to use for JumboPrint:

  • $10 for full-time students, equivalent to 100 one-sided black and white printed pages
  • $5 for part-time students

This credit will appear in your JumboCash account at the beginning of the fall semester. (It cannot be used for other purposes.) Printing above this amount is charged to your JumboCash account. Printing allocations do roll over to the next year if you have a positive balance from the previous year.

Retrieving your Prints

Following installation of the appropriate package, send a print job in the same way you would if you were using the lab. At your convenience (within 12 hours), stop by any of the locations supported by the print driver you installed and use the pay for print release station to access your print job.

Getting Help

Visit the TTS Computing Center at Eaton Hall:

Walk-in Hours: Monday - Friday 1:00pm to 5:00 pm Email: it@tufts.edu