Certifying a Statement (Faculty and PIs only)

When a project or payroll statement is ready for certification, you will receive an email from ECC with a link to your Work List, which you’ll need to log in to ECC to view.


  • Faculty always have their own payroll statements.
  • PIs will also see project statements on projects they lead.
  • RAs usually have an empty list, unless they have their own payroll or project statement to certify.

There are two different places to find the statements waiting for you to certify:

  1. When you log in to ECC, right on the Home tab you’ll see a Work List with a section called Statements Awaiting Certification.
    Top of work list
  2. Alternatively, when you log in to ECC, you can click on the Certify tab, then click on either My Payroll Statements or My Project Statements.
    second tab

Payroll statements are certified on an annual basis, and you can only certify your own. To certify a payroll statement:

  1. Click the Ready for Certification hyperlink in the Status column.
    Status is right-most column
    • You’ll be taken to a screen with many sections. In the middle of the screen will be a table with details for this statement.
    • Note: For a detailed explanation for all sections on this screen, see the Statement Page Breakdown.
  2. Review your payroll statement for accuracy. 
    • The payroll displayed is your total 100% IBS payroll for the annual period of September 1 to August 31.
    • The percentages represent the payroll charged to each account based on your total payroll for the annual period.
      payroll statement

      Note: If you have any questions regarding your statement contents, contact your Primary RA using the Get Help button in the bottom left.
      Bottom left of statement
  3. If the statement is accurate, click the Certify button in the bottom right.
    Under total
  4. A pop-up will appear reminding you not to close your browser. Click OK.
    Pop-Up with OK button
  5. Review the Attestation statement, and click I Agree to complete your certification.
    I agree is in bottom left

Project statements are certified on a quarterly basis. You certify project statements for projects that you lead. To certify a project statement:

  1. Click the Ready for Certification hyperlink in the Status column.
    Status is rightmost column
    • You’ll be taken to a screen with many sections. In the middle of the screen will be a table with details for this statement.
    • Note: For a detailed explanation for all sections on this screen, see the Statement Page Breakdown.
  2. The full statement will load. Review it for accuracy.
    project statement
    Note: If you have any questions regarding the statement, contact your Primary RA using the Get Help button in the bottom left.
    get help is below the table
  3. If the statement is accurate, check the Certify checkbox on each line (1). Once all Certify boxes are checked, a Certify button will appear (2).
    Certify checkboxes on right
  4. Press the Certify button.
  5. Review the Attestation statement, and click I Agree to complete your certification.
    I agree is in bottom right