Post-Certification Payroll Tasks (Primary RAs Only)

Note: Only the primary research administrator (RA) will have these tasks on their Work List.

Payroll data loaded in ECC may affect statements that have previously been certified. In order to process those changed statements, you will use the Payroll Adjustment Reconciliation (PAR) task. A PAR task is created automatically when payroll transactions are loaded to ECC that affect a previously certified statement. 

Post-Certification Tasks are the last part of the certification process

PAR tasks appear in your Work List, within the Pending Payroll Tasks tab.

pending payroll tasks is the second tab

Best practice: Set a weekly calendar reminder to ensure you are reviewing and processing PAR tasks in a timely manner.

There are two types of PAR tasks payroll and project. The way you process them is the same:

  1. Review the percentages on the PAR task.
    • If you are awaiting additional payroll to load to ECC, do not process the PAR task, rather, wait until the new payroll is loaded to the existing task.
  2. When the statement is accurate, click the Post and Re-open button.
    • The statement status will update to the status Ready for Certification, Re-opened by PAR and will immediately appear on the Certifier’s Work List.
    • You will need to contact the Certifier to let them know they are able to re-certify their statement.

To view a PAR task, choose a PAR task the Pending Payroll Tasks section of your Work List and click the link under Type.

Type is on the left

Here is an example PAR task for a Project statement.

PAR task Example

(1) Click $Value to toggle between viewing a percentage view and a dollar view.
All numbers change to dollars

(2) Click $ next to an amount in the Summarized Adjustment column to view the transaction detail for that amount.
Amounts in parentheses

(3) Click View Project Statement (or, in a Payroll PAR, View Effort Statement) to view the original Project or Payroll Statement.

ECC will create a Payroll PAR Task for any payroll transaction that is loaded to a sponsored account to a certified payroll statement.

The Payroll PAR Task will list all of the accounts that will appear on the employee’s (new, adjusted) payroll statement. Each account is identified as either sponsored or non-sponsored.

The highlighted accounts represent the accounts with new Payroll.

 Example PAR task

  • Original Payroll Percentage: The percentage the employee Certified.
  • New Payroll Percentage: What the percentage will be after you post this payroll to the statement by clicking Post & Re-open.
  • Certified Payroll %: The percentage the employee Certified. This percentage will be different than the Original Payroll Percentage for accounts with new payroll loaded.
  • Certified Payroll % vs New Payroll % Variance: The difference between what was originally Certified and the New Payroll Percentage.
  • ***: If the account was not originally on the employee’s statement, it will be highlighted with *** noted next to the account name. Any other account with new payroll will be highlighted.

ECC will create a Project PAR Task for any payroll transaction that is loaded to a certified sponsored project statement.

The Project PAR Task will list all of the employees that appear on the project statement. Any existing employee with new payroll will be highlighted.

 Project PAR task

  • Original Payroll Percentage: The percentage the employee Certified.
  • New Payroll Percentage: What the percentage will be after you post this payroll to the statement by clicking Post & Re-open.
  • Certified Payroll %: The percentage the employee Certified. This percentage will be different than the Original Payroll Percentage for accounts with new payroll loaded.
  • Certified Payroll % vs New Payroll % Variance: The difference between what was originally Certified and the New Payroll Percentage.
  • ***: If the employee was not originally on the project statement, his/her name will be highlighted with *** noted next to the name. Any existing employee with new payroll will be highlighted.