Using the XMedius Web Client

What is the XMedius Web Client?

The XMediusFAX web client allows you to access your faxes through an internet browser (e.g. Chrome, Firefox, etc.).

Accessing the XMedius Web Client

  1. Go to (If you are off-campus, you will need to be on the Tufts VPN.)
  2. Log in with your Tufts username (e.g. jjumbo01) and password.

Home Page Layout

XMedius web client home screen
  1. Anyone can use your 10-digit XMedius fax number just like they normally would, even if they are using a fax machine.
  2. An optional email notification can be sent to you whenever you receive a fax.
    • Option 1 – Receive an email notification with the fax attached as a PDF.
    • Option 2 – Receive an email notification with the date, time, and sender’s fax number, but no attached PDF.
    • Option 3 – No email notification. (Good for high-volume situations.)
  3. ​To view your faxes or manage them further, log in to with your Tufts username (e.g. jjumbo01) and password.
  4. Received faxes will be listed in the Inbound History.
  1. Log in to with your Tufts username (e.g. jjumbo01) and password.
  2. Click the Compose Fax button in the top left corner.Compose Fax button
  3. In the Recipients section:
    • Name (optional) – Provide the name of your fax recipient.
    • Company (optional) – Provide the name of the organization your recipient belongs to.
    • Fax – Provide the 10-digit fax number of your recipient.Fax Recipient info fields
  4. In the Cover Sheet section:
    • Style – To include a cover sheet with your fax, select Default Cover Sheet. If you do not wish to include a cover sheet, select None.
    • Subject – Provide a title for your fax.
    • Comment – Add body text to your fax cover sheet.Fax cover sheet info section


  5. In the Attachments section:
    • Click Choose File and select a file to attach. (NOTE: The maximum size for attachments is 100 pages.)
    • To include multiple attachments, click More attachments. Choose a file, then click Add. Repeat for each attachment.Fax attachments section
  6. When you’re ready, click Submit at the top of the form. You will receive an email confirmation when your fax is sent.Submit button