Audio and Video Options
When you enter a Zoom meeting, you will need to select if/how you would like to connect audio and video. This page contains information on how to connect connect your audio and video to participate in a meeting. For more, visit the Zoom Help Center for tips on testing your audio and video.
Warning: If multiple people are in the same room (e.g. a conference room or an office) and they wish to connect to the same Zoom meeting on different devices, only one person should connect audio! Otherwise, an unpleasant feedback noise will be produced from the multiple audio sources.
Video Options
Although it isn't required, using video makes meetings more engaging and is recommended. However, video does take up extra bandwidth. This can be a problem if you are joining a meeting from a location that doesn't have a great internet connection.
If you aren’t already sharing video, click the Camera icon to turn your video on.

You can also click the up arrow next to the Camera icon to change your camera or adjust other video settings.

Audio Options
Good audio is essential to a productive meeting. Depending on the hardware you have available, where you are located, and your personal preferences, you can choose from one of several audio connection options.
Choosing Phone Call will allow you connect audio by calling into a phone number provided by Zoom.
- Select Phone Call in the audio conference options.
- Dial one of the listed phone numbers. (Note: There are Toll Free options.)
- When prompted, provide the Meeting ID and Participant ID.
Choosing Computer Audio will connect audio through your computer’s audio inputs and outputs. Zoom will allow you choose your speakers and microphones. It is highly recommended that you test your audio before a meeting.

- Select Computer Audio in the audio conference options.
- (Optional) Click Test speaker and microphone and follow the on-screen prompts to make sure your audio input and output are functioning properly.
- Click Join with Computer Audio.
- After you have joined with computer audio, you can change your audio input and output devices by clicking on the up arrow next to the Microphone icon in the meeting toolbar.
Choosing Call Me will connect audio over the phone by having Zoom call you at a number of your choosing.

- Select Call Me from the audio conference options.
- Enter a phone number.
- Click the Call Me button.
Click on the up arrow next to the Microphone icon in the meeting toolbar. A menu will appear where you can change your audio input/output devices and more.

To mute and unmute your audio during a meeting, click on the Microphone icon in the meeting toolbar.

To completely disconnect from the meeting audio, click on the up arrow next to the Microphone icon in the meeting toolbar and select the Leave…Audio option.

Want to take a test drive?
Zoom offers a useful test meeting environment where you can play around with your audio and video settings, practice sharing content, and more.
- Go to the Zoom test meeting site.
- Click the Join button.
- Once you are in the test meeting, follow the on-screen prompts to test your audio.
- Take your time to explore the rest of the meeting room features, including the Participant and Chat Panels and content sharing features.