HPC Welcome Page

WELCOME to the Tufts HPC Cluster provided by Tufts Technology Services.
Your cluster account has been created.
Please take the time to review the information below before using the Tufts HPC Cluster.
Additional Requests
If this section was filled out on the Cluster Account Request, then a child ticket is now in TTS Research Technology Team's queue. They will follow-up with you on the additional request very soon.
If you have ADDITIONAL account and storage requests (add to group, request new storage, increase storage quota, .etc) please go to HERE
If you have other cluster requests, please email tts-research@tufts.edu
Tufts Network -- 2FA
2FA via DUO is required before you can utilize the Tufts HPC Cluster when work on Tufts network.
Details about 2FA on Tufts HPC cluster can be found HERE
If assistance is needed with Tufts 2FA, please contact TTS Service Desk at 617-627-3376.
Outside Tufts Network -- VPN
Tufts VPN is required before you can utilize the Tufts HPC Cluster and OnDemand web interface when work outside Tufts network.
If assistance is needed with Tufts VPN, please contact TTS Service Desk at 617-627-3376.
New User Guides
New users of the Tufts HPC cluster should utilize the support documents within the links below. The contents are comprised of the following information: login, file transfer, job submission, using applications/software, updated workshop information, etc.
There are many ways to log into the cluster (i.e. Terminal, Putty, etc.) and the easiest is through the Tufts HPC Cluster OnDemand Web Interface. Please check it out by going to OnDemand and login with your Tufts credentials. Once logged in, you will be welcomed with the OnDemand dashboard. Below are more detailed information on each drop-down menu within the Tufts HPC Cluster OnDemand web interface.
- "Files" Menu: You can access your home directory (/cluster/home/Tufts_Account) and cluster research project storage space (/cluster/tufts). You can download/upload/view/edit files from the built-in file browser with code highlighting.
- "Clusters" Menu: You can start a web based command line terminal accessing the cluster using "Tufts HPC Shell Access" or a command line terminal with FastX11 for graphical user interface applications (RStudio, Matlab, STATA, COMSOL, etc.) using "Tufts HPC FastX11 Shell Access"
- "Interactive Apps" Menu: Simply point, select, and click, you can launch available applications (Jupyter, Jupyter Lab, RStudio, ABAQUS, COMSOL, MAPLE, MATHEMATICA, MATLAB, X11 Terminal) on Tufts HPC cluster directly from your browser!
- "Misc" Menu: You can find out the Tufts HPC cluster "Inventory" and "Scheduler Info". You can also check your home directory and group cluster research project storage space disk usage with "Quota Report".
Storage Overview
Your home folder (i.e. /cluster/home/TuftsAccount) has a quota limit of 10GB and cannot be increased.
If you are working with large data files, please do your data analysis within a project or research group cluster storage space.
If you need access to an existing cluster storage or need one created, please go to HERE and submit a request.
Acknowledging Usage of Tufts HPC Cluster
To acknowledge your use of the clusters, we request that you use the following wording:
The authors acknowledge the Tufts University High Performance Compute Cluster (https://it.tufts.edu/high-performance-computing) which was utilized for the research reported in this paper.
We would also appreciate your informing us of publications in which you acknowledge one of the clusters.
Tufts Credential
If you need to reset your Tufts password, go to HERE.
If you are still having issues with password reset, please contact TTS Service Desk at 617-627-3376 for assistance.
Tufts HPC Cluster Support
If you have questions on Tufts HPC cluster usage, please contact the TTS Research Technology Team at tts-research@tufts.edu.
We offer "Introduction to Basic Linux and Tufts HPC Cluster" and other HPC workshops regularly. Check out our workshops HERE